In pursuit of its mission, Youth Technology Initiative designed a computer skills competition which will be conducted annually. During the competition students are provided with practical tasks which students will be required to do then the winner is going to be awarded.

YTI-computer skills competition started on 18th July and ended in 21st july where the winner was awarded a brand new laptop, each participant was given a football and each school which participated was provided with 6 footballs.Mr.Seleman Hemed emerged to become the winner of the competition. The young star who is a form three student from Loyola High school has a strong desire of becoming a computer engineer, Seleman believe that it is through IT that people's problems can be solved. He continues by giving an example of a theft problem, he says he wishes to develop a software which will ensure maximum security to the society, the one that will prevent theft. Although he hasn't known yet on how he is going to make that software but he strongly believes that it will work.

Seleman Hemed
However YTI was honoured to have Mr.Gadi Kalugendo the program manager at UN-HABITANT in issues related to youths as the guest of honour, Mr.Gadi addressed the importance of ICT to the society and how the society can not survive without it, ICT is applied everywhere and therefore every person should equip himself/herself with ICT skills. UN-HABITANT offered 80 footballs to the participating schools where each school got 10 balls. These schools were Loyola High School, Majani ya chai secondary school, migombani secondary school, Kibasila High school, Azania High school, Kisutu High school, Zanaki High school and Ilala secondary school.

Mr. Gadi Kalugendo, the second from right putting more emphasis on How important is ICT to the society
Nevertheless, students were highly motivated by the competition since they never had one, the experience of sharing their goals with their fellows was very amazing and gave them an excitment that could be seen on their faces. Getting the opportunity to visit the University of Dar es salaam, learn about ICT entrepreneurship and software development at their young age made them so happy and excited.
ENVAYA and FUGIT consult supported YTI's effort by accepting to offer their experts to train the young students ICT Entrepreneurship skills and Software development arena respectively, it was a big honour for YTI to have such big organisations in the competition.
With determined people everything goes just fine, the trainings were awesome the competition was of its own kind, it was just perfect. Every participant enjoyed the 4 days of YTI's trainings. Many congratulations should go to every person who contributed to the success of the Event. YTI is looking foward to conduct a very huge and exciting competition next year. Join YTI in the second season the YTI-computer skills competition 2013. All the best.

Mr.Seleman Hemed shakes hands with the guest of honour before he receives his gift

The Guest of honour Mr.Gadi Kalugendo handling Laptop o the winner of the competition mr.Seleman Hemed

mr. Gadi kalugendo handling the laptop to Seleman Hemed, the winner of the YTI-computer skills competition 2012